The traditional ruler confirmed the development on Saturday to PUNCH, adding that the suspension was announced during the traditional rulers' meeting on Friday. The Olu of Owode in the Obafemi/Owode Local Government of Ogun State, Oba Kolawole Sowemimo, has been slammed with a two-month suspension for decorating a popular Fuji musician, Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, popularly known as KWAM 1 or K1 De Ultimate. The traditional ruler confirmed the development on Saturday to PUNCH, adding that the suspension was announced during the traditional rulers' meeting on Friday. He was suspended for two months without salaries by the Egba Traditional Council over alleged abuse of naira notes. “They said the suspension was due to the way I spent money on one musician,” he said. He continued, “And when I was asked if I had anything to say, I stood up and apologised for whatever I had done wrong and the suspension which was earlier announced to be for three months without salaries was reduced to t
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