Fuji musician Alabi Pasuma has been criticised by his fans for still living in a rented apartment. The artist has said that he is not bothered by the comments. He says he has just completed his house around OPIC on the popular Lagos/Ibadan Expressway but he is yet to move in. He won’t vacate his present house in Omole Estate on the outskirts of Lagos because the new surrounding is not yet well developed.“It’s true I have finished my house in OPIC area as you said but because that place hasn’t developed, I just have to pause, pending the time the area will be developed. Everything is completed to taste; nothing is left to be done to make it habitable.“I just decided that when the area is full, I will move in. Also, I have got another one I am building in Omole here. I think that one would have been completed by the time I celebrate my birthday in November this year. That’s my prayer,” he said. Pasuma who has also been active in the hip hop scene since the early 90s hinted his fans that he will be releasing a hip hop album. He has since dropped over four hip hop songs including a collaboration with Mavin Records first lady Tiwa Savage.
UNCATEGORIZED #BBNaija: “Cee-C insulted me”- Show host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu By NellyBillz | April 27, 2018 0 Comments Pin It In a recent interview with the Beat FM’s Toolz on the Mid-Day Show, the host of BBNaija Ebuka Obi-Uchendu called out BBNaija: Double Wahala finalist Cee-C saying “she insulted me” earlier today. During the show, a number of stories went around that the host Ebuka knew Cee-C and that they might have dated before the show. The host has debunked all rumours stating clearly that he didn’t know her before the house. The BBNaija 2006 housemate also made it clear that he didn’t have the authority to give her a slot to be a housemate on the show. Rumours had sparked that he might have given her a slot to be a housemate on social media. Here is what he said on the interview: “Cee-C insulted me…she was known for not being nice to visitors in the house…with me was no exception…she told me to sit my behind down”. There were also sto