Businessman and socialite, Obinna Iyiegbu popularly known as Obi Cubana has shared with millions of fans, the love note he received from his wife, Ebinna Iyiegbu.
The Cubana founder revealed that he woke up to a beautiful love note from his partner.
In the love note, Ebinna affirmed her love for her husband as she vowed to stand by him forever.
The note reads,
“Dear Obinna, I write this morning to remind you of my commitment to love you even on your weakest days and strongest days. I’m going to love you in your happy moments and your sad moments. I’m going to always be your shoulder to lean on. I’m going to love you unconditionally just as Christ loved me because He is the one that models Love for me. Through thick and thin, till death do us part, I’m going to be by your side to make sure you fulfill every destiny that God has given you. Be assured of my support all through this journey of life. “Gold and Silver have I nine, but what I do have, I give into thee” Never forget this. Goodmorning sunshine”.
Esabod Global news recalls Obi Cubana had opened up about the impact of his wife, Ebinna Iyiegbu on his life.
Speaking during an interview with Goldmyne, Cubana began by disclosing how he met his wife in the course running one his businesses. He then went on to speak about her impart in his whole life, saying that his wife is a strong force in his life and that before embarking on any business activities he gets his wife’s blessings. He further declared that she is his greatest cheerleader and she is more truthful than anyone else.
“She is my greatest cheer leader, she tells me the truth no-one wants to tell. she is very strong in my decision and in carrying out my day to day activities, there is no business I run without her impart. She is too spiritual, she is a very strong force in my life.”
Speaking about his marital and family life, Cubana decIared that he was enjoying his marriage and that is why he always shows off his wife. “I am enjoying my marriage. I show off my marriage to tell everyone that marriage is not a trap, I am a living witness, I am having a perfect marriage.
“I have never for one day regretted meeting her in my 14 years of marriage. I am enjoying my marriage with my wife”, he emphasized.
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